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Cultural tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina


Cultural tourism is defined as travel persons outside the residence with a view to the search for new experiences and experiences that meet their cultural needs. Cultural tourism also includes visits to cultural and historical sites in the distant and recent history of the tourist destinations, museums and galleries, churches, musical and theatrical events and performances, music and, more recently and visits to concerts of pop culture. That is considered to be cultural tourism motivated learning about cultural heritage, art and culture of life and work in the nation visited tourist area. Characteristics of demand for this type of culture is characterized by the fact that it is a broad spectrum of tourists covering different age groups and education, but with an indication that interest in culture increases with age. Cultural tourism is a younger branch of tourism that emerges from the needs of all educated tourists and their needs work on myself, learning and entertainment needs through introducing the history and tradition, and is motivated by the creative cultural activities related to the activities that have been preserved from the past such as learning traditional skills through cultural tourism product with religion, gastronomy and tourism literature or contemporary art production.

On the south east part of Europe, on the west part of the Balkan peninsula is located the heart-shaped country- Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bosnia and Herzegovina borders with Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The country is divided in two entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia; and in one district- Brcko. The same name Bosnia and Herzegovina leads to a conclusion that is about two different names that we are talking about. The names indicate historic and age different development regions. The name Bosnia was first mentioned in the X. century and it was used for middle and north area of the river Bosna. Herzegovina instead was mentioned for the first time in the XV: century and its origin comes from the word "herceg" which was a sort of title for the sovereign of the area, while in the former name was Hum and Zahumlje.

The rich history of the territory, that the occupies nowadays, gives us the confirmation that during the centuries the state changed its territory shape and was...


Cultural tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina Offer