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Excursions West Macedonia

Find a trip, excursion from our offer that suits your interests. Whether you enjoy adventure, nature, history, or sightseeing, we are sure you will find the ideal trip for yourself.

Western Macedonia has a lot of mountains for example Sar Planina and Bistra. It is the place where the most popular winter touristic centres are (Mavrovo and Sapka).
And yet, during the summer, Ohrid it's Ohrid lake, Struga, Prespa and Prespa Lake are filled with tourist from all over the world.
Macedonian, Albanians, Turks and other nationalities live here with ages and that is why here different cultural and historic background. Lots of hotels, motels, restaurants or private accomodation will offer the guests a unforgetable experience.


Excursions West Macedonia Offer