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Gastronomy Ski resort Rogla


Gastronomy and tourism have much in common, so that the development of one without the other almost unthinkable. Going back a few years in the past, tourism has amounted to a tour of historical and cultural sites, and a tour of natural beauty such as national parks, nature parks, and general landscape which knows itself to be beautiful. If the away team's luck, but it is on his journey accompanied a nice time, he was able to experience the full splendor of natural beauty, but otherwise, we can say with certainty that he fully enjoyed the study of cultural and natural beauty. As the standard of living has increased, increased the need to offer a variety of content in tourism. One of the most comfortable way of getting to know people with the culture and way of life of people in a particular area is through food. Thus, in addition to good weather and natural beauty found in the tourist industry and gastronomy. Through a variety of culinary delights can be guest or tourist familiar with the delicacies that are native to the place that we present. Through old authentic dishes can see how life in the area once looked like, what kind of foods are used and what methods of food preparation are known, the diversity of plant and animal species in the area, both in the countryside and in the towns, inland and coastal, every meal can tell the historical and cultural story.

In the central part of Pohorje, on the last branch of the southeast Alps in Stajerska, it is situated Rogla-slovenian ski resort and from 1997. also an Olimpic resort.
On a highness from 1050-1517 m and on a surface of about 100 hectares that includes the ski centre Rogla, everyone will find something for themself. The ski season lasts from November till the middle of April, and 100 days of snow covered ski paths are guaranteed-which is allowed as well as by natural snow also by an artificial snow system. Its favourable position, on the northeast side surrounded by pinewoods, represent a natural protection from the winds of south which might disturb the skiers.
Ski resort has a ski paths in a total length of 12km from which 2 km of easy ski paths, 8.5 km intermediate ski-paths and 1.5km of demanding ski paths and a total of 18 km of ski paths for Nordic skiing and 2 km of sledging paths. For the movement of the skiers in the ski resort there are 9 wiry, 2 chair lifts.


Gastronomy Ski resort Rogla Offer