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Transfers Ski resort Golte

Tourist transfers imply traveling from one place to another, it is often the departure from home to the desired tourist destination. Travel agencies offer various deals related to transport tourists, but their offer expanded tourist offers that are often beyond the borders of their normal areas of transfer. Tourist transfers often last longer than a day, but the goal is to satisfy travelers in the field of entertainment, food and beverage, and general benefits while traveling.

Above the town of Mozirje, on the peak from which the view on the Savinja valley and on the Savinja Alps and Karavanke is stunning, it’s located Golte ski resort.
Till the ski resort, placed on the 1600 m of highness and with a cover of 60 hectares of surface, it’s reacheble with a sightseeing gondola that departs from the village of Zakovec and it has a capacity of transporting 56 people. After an eight-minute drive You are on the mountain Medvedjak on the highness of 1410m. Here are a hotel and a restaurant, and here is also a starting point for the wirys and the cable lifts who leads on the ski paths: one wiry, 2 chailifts and 2 skilift. In case of the absence there is a system for artificial snow.
The ski paths in a total length of 10 km offer a possibility for skiing to skiers with all tipe of skiing abilities: 3 km of easy ski paths, 7 km of itermedaite ski paths and 2km of difficult ski paths and 5 km of ski paths...


Transfers Ski resort Golte Offer