The theater was created from human tendency for storytelling. From ancient Greece and rituals that were held in honor of the god Dionysus to date there are manifestations Performing Arts. Humanities except speech in communication with the audience used gestures, music, dance and spectacle and thus combines a number of different branches of art into one. Theatre introduces can be comedies or dramas, operas or musicals, classical or modern ballet, contemporary scene or the playful world of dolls. The theater is a factory of culture and in cultural context provides the conditions for the development of various artistic practices, encourages creativity, cultural and spiritual enrichment, recognizes the positive social values, provides entertainment, in some way involved in the education of young people. In addition to renowned large theater in which working professionals, there are theaters in small towns made up of amateur enthusiasts in acting and music. Cultural tourism is inconceivable without large-scale theatrical performances, large and well-known opera and ballet, and for fans of this kind of art that are not able to travel theater artists go to away games but so theater-goers can get to know the theater and works of art from other countries and cultures, actors , musicians, ballet dancers and ballet dancers from around the world without leaving your city. If there were no theaters, many would never have heard of many works of classic and contemporary literature.
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