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Excursions Mali Losinj


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On the north coast of the seventh island per large in the Adriatic Sea, in the bay of Augusta is situated Mali Losinj. It is the biggest, administrative, cultural and financial centre and the major harbour on the island. Mali Losinj it's the biggest town with amphitheatre type of construction on Adriatic islands.

The history of Mali Losinj is known since the XII: century, while for the first time is mentioned in 1398 under the name of Malo selo (little village). Even if the city started to develop around the church of St. Martin from the XV: century in the homonymous bay, the main church is the one of the Born of Our Lady from the period XVI/XVII century.

On the island its possible to get to with ferry lines from Brestova over Cres, Rijeka, Zadar or Valbiska on the island Krk.  The habitants of this picturesque town are dealing with agriculture, fishing, shipbuilding and navigation and of course tourism. Tourism here was developed in the 80'ins of the XIX. century.  Gravel beaches, numerous green paths and promenades and the...


Excursions Mali Losinj Offer