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Excursions Rab


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Following the southwest coast of the island, after a denuded  Misnjak, Barbat and Banjol we come till the city of Rab.

The city of Rab acquired his title in the 10. yaer B.C. when the Roman emperor Octavian August proclaimed his indipendence. The city has in a short time recived also an epithet FELIX, which means "happy" and was given to towns to honour and compliment them. Rab represents a kind of historic-cultural journey trought the history. In favour of that speaks the fact that there are many infrastructure objects from different historical periods and style: romanic, renaiscance, gothic...Many curches testify the high spirituality of the local people, some of them out of function or even ruined. The main church is the on of the ealt of the Blessed Virgin Mary, decorated with rich scarves. The main square is the one of Saint Christopher which has a fountain with two sculpture representing Kalifront and the shepherdess Draga, characters of the local legend about a forbidden love. As one of the most significant infrastructures we must mention the old town with...


Excursions Rab Offer