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Kayak Montenegro


Kayaking is a sport on the water in a small narrow boat, and as such has been included in the Olympic sports. As an Olympic sport, there are single seat, two-seater and four-seater for men and women. The boat has movable seats nor rests, while holding the paddle all the time in the hands. There are two disciplines kayak Kayak Flatwater kayak and wild waters, Kayak Flatwater includes boating on the calm waters such as lakes and other waters where there is no perceptible movement of water even bigger waves. Whitewater Kayaking is divided into two categories, slalom and downhill, slalom is an Olympic category where competitors pass the course of 20 to 30 gates, doors are different colors to indicate whether passing through them upstream (red) or downstream (Green), incorrect passing through the door is punishable by a time penalty on the total time each team driving two runs and out of them taken during the final sum of the velocity of trails. The second category is a descent that is not an Olympic sport, but it is a competition, teams move into the space of one minute and down the long track at 5-8 kilometers which usually takes between 15 and 20 minutes. The team with the shortest time wins downhill.

The Republic of Montenegro is a small, mountainous republic in the Balkans, on the Adriatic Sea. Come to escape the tempo of contemporary lifestyle and enjoy the natural beauty.
Make the most of your time and come to enjoy an abundance of experiences. Feel the adrenaline surge while rafting down the canyon of the Tara river, the deepest canyon in Europe.
Get accustomed to nature again in the virgin beauty of Biogradska gora, the last virgin forest in Europe. Feel the beat of Arcadian life in Kotor Bay, the southernmost fjord in the world and let something nice happen to you.
You can choose to explore one of 117 sandy beaches on the Adriatic sea, renaissance coastal towns or peaceful mountain scenes beside glacial lakes. Discover a part of the mystical formula, on which the unique seductiveness of Montenegro rests, when conquering the irresistible peaks of Durmitor mountain. Cruise along the largest lake and the biggest bird reservation in Europe - Skadar Lake. Experience the special dimension found in the particular combination of ethics and aesthetics which...


Kayak Montenegro Offer