Mexican restaurant Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mexican restaurants that serve Mexican food are very popular. The experience of Mexican cuisine is highly visual, and the plate is rich in colors derived from vegetables, fruits and spices. This food is extremely spicy flavor, and chili and pepper can be found in almost every dish. Basic ingredients, like sweet corn, chili and tomatoes, are descended from the ancient civilizations of the Maya and Aztecs. They were supplemented by the Spanish love of sweets, marinades and sauces. Mexicans were the first to grow avocados and corn, and soon afterwards his gastronomy enrich the domestic turkey, Muscovy duck, venison, quail, pigeons, fish, crustaceans and molluscs. There was also born and chocolate. These foods, along with potatoes, chilli, pumpkin, tomatoes and beans, form the basis of Mexican gastronomy. A very popular dish is the burrito-eating wheat tortilla filled with almost any imaginable topping. Corn is the most widely used ingredients in Mexican cuisine. Whole grains are cooked in bold soup called pozole. The grains are ground into coarse flour (ground harina) which make the tamales, packages stuffed with meat or vegetables that can cook steamed wrapped in a corn husk or banana leaf. This cuisine is characterized by fresh fruit and vegetables. Thanks to the climatic conditions in Mexico almost every edible plant can be grown somewhere at a certain time of year. The choice is huge, ranging from avocado and mango, to the branches of a cactus (prickly pear). Poultry and beef is plentiful. The meat is usually simmer or bake on the grill, pork is juicy meat that is used and makes its way into many of the traditional dishes. Seafood are also important in the Mexican kitchen, a giant shrimp, shark and rays are just one of the many exotic species that may taste, usually grilled with pepper and chilli. I Mexican restaurant is a must and tequila, an alcoholic beverage originally made around Tequila, a town in the western Mexican state of Jalisco. It's made from the agave plant, and usually contains 38-40% alcohol, but there are some species of 43-46% alcohol.
On the south east part of Europe, on the west part of the Balkan peninsula is located the heart-shaped country- Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bosnia and Herzegovina borders with Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The country is divided in two entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia; and in one district- Brcko. The same name Bosnia and Herzegovina leads to a conclusion that is about two different names that we are talking about. The names indicate historic and age different development regions. The name Bosnia was first mentioned in the X. century and it was used for middle and north area of the river Bosna. Herzegovina instead was mentioned for the first time in the XV: century and its origin comes from the word "herceg" which was a sort of title for the sovereign of the area, while in the former name was Hum and Zahumlje.
The rich history of the territory, that the occupies nowadays, gives us the confirmation that during the centuries the state changed its territory shape and was...
Tourist offers Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gastronomy Bosnia and Herzegovina
Health Tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina
Active Tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina
Culture Tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nightlife Bosnia and Herzegovina
Transfers Bosnia and Herzegovina
Events and entertainment Bosnia and Herzegovina
Excursions Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hotels in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Private accommodations in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tourist resorts in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Holiday houses in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Villas with Pool in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Camps, mobile homes in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Boat rental in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Farm holidays in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hostel in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mexican restaurant Bosnia and Herzegovina Offer