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Nightlife Ohrid

Nightlife contributes greatly to the tourism offer. More and more cities and tourist destinations's offer is based on a predominantly young population that demands fulfillment whole day and night stay in a place. Young people on holiday spend an active night life, they are interested in entertainment, socializing, meeting and tourist offer all the richer content that it gives them. This is the usual catering services, developing a rich night life through a variety of entertainment and pop concerts activities for young people, nightclubs organized content that is no longer limited to a confined space but was extended to the streets, squares, beaches, camping and swimming pools, while in the organization of such events include the entire population of the place. Nightlife, however, is not only focused on the needs of young people, but the offer is extended to the content that matches the older part of the population, and below that includes a tour of slot clubs, bars, pubs, casinos and other similar facilities. Good organization nightlife, rich and exciting content developed tourist spots.

The Ohrid lake is one of the largest biological reserves in Europe, possessing unique flora and fauna which are extinct elswere. Only Lake Ohrid, Lake Tanganyka, Lake Caspi, and Lake Baikal are believed to have been formed during the Tertiary Period some 2-4 million years ago, and hence these lakes are characterized by unique flora and fauna distinct to that period. Due to its age, many of Lake Ohrid’s aquatic species are endemic including ten of the seventeen fish species. In addition, there are five particular endemic species which are restricted to small areas of the Lake such as special various birds, as well as four fish spawning grounds. Because of its rich history and unique flora and fauna, Lake Ohrid was declared a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural heritage Site in 1980.


Nightlife Ohrid Offer