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Excursions Kampor


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On the northwest part of the island of Rab, in a extensive bay of Kampor its situated the homonym us city of Kampor. The name Kampor camed from the roman word "campus"-field.

From all the places on the island Kampor has maintained the autenticity of a fising town.

On the margin of St.Eufemia at the main entrance of  Kampor there is situated an old francisan abbey from 1445. The abbey has a Testen gallery, a rich library and an archive worth of visiting. Kampor spreads from the francisan abbey till the Kampor creek and the cape Kasteline where are situated the ruins of the roman acropolis.

The area between those two spots includes many bays and a sandy beach "Veli mel" and the near "Kalifront" wood which are a real paradise for those who want enjoy in peacefully and relaxing atmosphere that is guaranteed by an intact nature.

The local population deals with cattle breeding and farming of which in the major part is in fruit farming. They offer to their guests products made in their own home and from...


Excursions Kampor Offer